General information
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in four main areas :
• defence and security,
• nuclear energy (fission and fusion),
• technological research for industry,
• fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences.
Drawing on its widely acknowledged expertise, and thanks to its 16000 technicians, engineers, researchers and staff, the CEA actively participates in collaborative projects with a large number of academic and industrial partners.
The CEA is established in ten centers spread throughout France
Thesis topic details
Condensed Matter Physics, chemistry, nanosciences
Thesis topics
Kinetics and mechanisms of corium leaching
Job description
During a severe nuclear accident, significant quantities of 'volatile' fission products are released during core degradation. A further significant proportion of radionuclides (RN) from degraded nuclear fuels are incorporated into solidified materials (corium and fuel debris), and their medium- to long-term stability is of major importance for accident site safety. Depending on the progress of the accident and subsequent interactions with different materials (cladding, internal structures, vessel materials and concrete), corium may have different structures and compositions. Generally speaking, it is a highly heterogeneous, multiphase material within which the distribution of radionuclides is poorly understood. In this context, the aim of this thesis is to improve our understanding of the mechanisms of corium leaching and radionuclide release into water, through parametric studies on model materials. This work, carried out with a view to increasing the complexity of the materials studied, will enable us to prioritize the influence of different parameters (temperature, solution composition, presence of oxidizing radiolytic species) on the transfer of RNs into solution. Taken together, these results will improve our understanding of the evolution of the RN inventory contained in a corium in an underwater cooling scenario, and our knowledge of the chemical durability of the different phases it contains.
University / doctoral school
Sciences Chimiques Balard (EDSCB)
Thesis topic location
Position start date
Person to be contacted by the applicant
AUTILLO Matthieu
Cea Marcoule
bât Atalante
30207 Bagnols sur Cèaze cedex
Tutor / Responsible thesis director
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